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About Me

My career interests lie at the intersection of science and business, and I enjoy working with people to solve complex problems that hinder the development and commercialization of new products. In my career, I have been a pharmaceutical research director and the founder of a chemical scientific research company. I’m a self-motivated learner and am a currently studying Full-Stack Web-Development through the University of Kansas Professional and Continuing Education Program. Through my studies, I hope to expand my career into the information technology field and I’m presently looking for new career opportunities in the Kansas City, Denver, or Chicago metro regions. As a personal interest, I hope to write web applications that make scientific information more accessible/understandable to everyone.

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My Portfolio

Here are a few of the projects that I've really enjoyed working on. Each includes a brief description of the project and what I liked about it, as well as links to a deployed version and the project code.

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Contact Me

I love meeting new people! If you're interested in learning more about me, discussing the projects presented here, confidentially hashing over a new idea (I have NDA forms handy) or talking about career opportunities, contact me! Use either the form below, or email me directly at patrick.c.kearney@gmail.com.

I will not share your email with anyone else without your consent.